China-Australia Military Confrontation: Tensions Escalate in the Yellow Sea

The Incident This  Day, something which worries the politicians, happened over the Yellow Sea, where a Chinese fighter jet came too close to an Australian helicopter and dropped flares. The Australian helicopter was running in the airspace of the international law, which is the one of the ways that the United Nations uses to the […]

3 mins read

Russian and US troops are Face to Face in Niger

The situation in the inner part of West Africa, a landlocked country, Niger, is currently caught between the fight of two major global forces – Russia and the US. Whilst both countries strive to realize their interests in the Sahel that consists of eleven countries that are stretched over three million square kilometers, their military […]

4 mins read

Nepal map on currency note to have Indian areas, INDIA speaks out

Nepal made it public on Friday that it is now in plan to print a new Rs 100 currency note featuring the disputed territories of Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura and Kalapani, which the Indian Foreign Minister gave very strong opposition as “manifold enlargement” and “untenable” few days previously. The story began four years ago when ties with […]

4 mins read

Israel Iran War Live Updates: Israel retaliates with missiles and drones on Iran

Israeli missiles struck a location in Iran late on Thursday, following Iran’s drone attack on Israel in retaliation for an assault on the Iranian embassy in Syria, according to ABC News, citing a US official.Iran’s Fars news agency reported an explosion at an airport in the city of Isafahan, but the cause was not immediately […]

1 min read

The Risk of Nuclear War

NATO’s Presence in Ukraine: Impact, Pressure from Poland, and the Russian Perspective   NATO’s involvement in Ukraine has intensified in response to Russia’s aggressive actions, particularly its invasion of Ukraine. The alliance has condemned Russia’s aggression and provided significant support to Ukraine to help defend itself. Despite not being a NATO member, Ukraine has a […]

3 mins read

The Impact of the Houthis on Internet Connectivity in the Red Sea

The Red Sea, a strategic waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, is not only a hub for international trade but also a vital conduit for global internet connectivity. However, recent events have brought this connectivity into question. The Houthis, a rebel group in Yemen, have been accused of damaging internet cables in […]

2 mins read