India Out ! in Bangladesh, selfish side of Bangladesh
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India Out ! in Bangladesh, selfish side of Bangladesh

The relationship between India and Bangladesh has evolved significantly, particularly in the context of India’s support during Bangladesh’s formative years and the ongoing strategic cooperation between the two nations. This blog explores the historical ties, the assistance provided by India, and how Bangladesh is reciprocating these efforts.

Historical Context

Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in 1971 after a brutal liberation war against Pakistan. India played a crucial role in this struggle, providing military support to the Bangladeshi freedom fighters. This intervention not only helped Bangladesh achieve independence but also established a foundation for a strong bilateral relationship. Sheikh Hasina, the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh, has often expressed gratitude towards India for sheltering her and her family during their exile following the assassination of her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in 1975. India offered her refuge in Delhi, where she lived for several years before returning to Bangladesh in 1981.

India’s Support to Bangladesh

India’s assistance to Bangladesh has been multifaceted, encompassing economic, military, and humanitarian dimensions:

  1. Economic Aid: India has been a significant partner in Bangladesh’s economic development, providing financial assistance and facilitating trade. The two countries have engaged in various projects aimed at infrastructure development, including energy and transportation sectors.
  2. Defense Cooperation: The defense relationship has strengthened over the years, with formal agreements signed to enhance military collaboration. India has supported Bangladesh in counter-terrorism efforts, recognizing the shared security challenges both nations face.
  3. Humanitarian Assistance: India has provided humanitarian aid during natural disasters, reflecting its commitment to Bangladesh’s welfare. This assistance has been crucial in times of need, showcasing India’s role as a reliable neighbor.
  4. Diplomatic Support: India has consistently backed the Hasina government, particularly in the face of political challenges. This support has been perceived as vital for the stability of her administration, especially during contentious electoral periods.

Bangladesh’s Response

In return for India’s support, Bangladesh has taken steps to strengthen bilateral ties:

  1. Counter-Terrorism Efforts: Bangladesh has actively worked to address India’s security concerns by cracking down on insurgent groups that operate across the border. This cooperation has helped improve trust between the two nations.
  2. Economic Partnerships: Bangladesh has engaged in trade agreements that favor Indian access to its markets, and it has allowed India to use its ports for trade with Northeast India. This economic interdependence signifies Bangladesh’s recognition of India’s role in its development.
  3. Cultural Exchanges: The two countries share deep cultural and historical ties, which have been reinforced through various cultural exchange programs. This aspect of the relationship fosters goodwill and mutual understanding among the populations of both nations.
  4. Strategic Balancing: While Bangladesh has strengthened its ties with India, it has also sought to maintain a balanced relationship with China, which has become a significant economic partner. This strategic maneuvering allows Bangladesh to leverage its position between two major powers for its benefit.


The India-Bangladesh relationship is a complex tapestry woven from historical ties, mutual assistance, and strategic cooperation. India’s support has been instrumental in Bangladesh’s survival and growth, while Bangladesh’s responses reflect a commitment to maintaining a balanced and beneficial partnership. As both nations navigate the challenges of regional dynamics, their relationship will likely continue to evolve, underscoring the importance of collaboration in achieving shared goals.